university of nottingham borderline degree classification

Includes: unit marks; module mark; module scores. The active application of these arrangements then ceased at the beginning of academic year 2020/21. For more information, please consult the following: Includes:failure of one or more modules;progression requirements. Ordinary degrees, Graduate Diplomas, Graduate Certificates, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, and Foundation Certificates may be awarded with Merit or Distinction. In the case of Undergraduate Diplomas the classification is based on the best marks obtained in 120 credits taken in stage 2 or 3 including at least 90 credits at level 2. Assessmentsthat contribute to the final module/programme mark: Such assessments which do not contribute to the final module/programme mark are second marked where appropriate on a sampling basis by a member of academic staff. This page contains the University's study regulations for all undergraduate students who entered their qualifying year or Part I* from September 2020. A student should be given the higher class if either of the following criteria are met: i) Half or more of the final stage credits are in the higher class; ii) Half or more of the final and penultimate stage credits are in the higher class. Weighted numerical average is translated into degree classification according to Table 1. This will be determined and arranged locally. "Exit velocity" is one line of argument used by promoters. Find out how this works. Standardised weightings between Parts apply unless an approved Professional Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB) or other exemption has been given and this is stated in the relevant programme specification(s). Other students are subject to the former regulations, except for Regulation 26 (b) which applies to all students from September 2020. When they graduate, students should simply be given a transcript of their marks as a record their study, says Jonathan Wolff. You can request a graduate transcript by submitting the Request For Graduate Transcript & Degree Confirmation Letter Form to The Hub (PB120,Academic Services Counter) or emailing it to Its content is applicable to undergraduate students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. Includes:classifications; borderlines; calculating an overall average undergraduate diplomas. A student may request to be allowed to repeat their enrolment in failed or incomplete modules (which will include attendance at all scheduled classes and submission of all coursework) before taking the reassessment or initial assessments. Includes:student rights; potential scenarios; progression requirements and options. (c) Passed modules worth at least 90 credits, have marks of 30% or more in modules worth at least 110credits, and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 45%. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. 68 or 69 Borderline Distinction (individual programme specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69), 49 Borderline Pass (Master, also PGDip and PGCert from 2012/13), 39 Borderline Pass (PGDip and PGCert for students who registered for taught postgraduate degrees prior to the 2012/13 Session only). 7 240 0 2. 40%+ (which can include reassessment marks from Parts I/II/III). A separate report form should be used for each module where marks have been subject to adjustment. In making their selection of modules, students must satisfy any prerequisites, co-requisites or other requirements set out in the relevant module or programme specification. The mark ranges which apply for these awards may be found here: 24. External Examiners will not be involved in the marking process as their role is to ensure that policies and regulations have been appropriately applied, that the assessment process is fair and robust and to ensure that standards applied are consistent with subject benchmark statements and other institutions. 3 320 40 1. 3. Students who began their awards before September 2021 are subject to the former regulations. All instances in which such exclusions are applied should becommunicated toRegistry and Academic Affairs, Quality and Student Management Systems Teamfor report to Quality and Standards Committee (QSC). Borderline marks are defined by Regulation 59 as ''marks from two percentage points below the boundary up to the boundary itself, e.g. Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. (a) Where the final mark falls within a borderline (as defined in the Degree Classification section of the Quality Manual). These documents can be a bit lengthy, so once you do find it share it with your mates to help them out! According to the University of Greenwich guidelines: The Progression and Award Board may use its discretion in considering cases on the borderline of classification bands. This order is for degrees only. These regulations take effect from 2021/22 for students who began their awards from September 2021. Are limited, as far as practicable, to those elements of assessment that do not contribute to the degree classification. iii) Are not due to examination absences covered by the self-certification policy. The first female member of the Council of Representatives in Bahrain and the first woman in the Persian Gulf region to win in a legislative general election. Module mark is calculated from unit marks and rounded to a numeric integer. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. 22. A student who failsa non-compensatable module will not complete that stage without successfully undertaking re-assessment in that module. of 6. 1. Module mark is calculated from unit marks and rounded to a numeric integer. Its contents are only applicable to students who were admitted from that date but may also be of interest to staff across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with theExtenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedures. Includes:role of School Boards; requirements of the School; Marking criteria examples; double-marking. mistakes on a question paper), Schools have a responsibility to ensure that this does not have a significant impact on the fairness or robustness of the final marks. Includes:pass mark; components; failure to pass;Recognition of Other Learning (ROL). 2+2 programme students coming from China and Malaysia - where the Home Office would not issue a visa unless the student has progressed, Cases where it is essential for a student to have passed (as opposed to have taken) a pre-requisite module before starting the next part of their programme, Progression from a Foundation programme to an Honours degree. Last updated 9 January 2023 Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes, Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. The transcript that comes with your degree certificate is called a Diploma Supplement and is written to an agreed, pan-European template. This page was previously affected by these arrangements and has been documented accordingly. The only exception to this is where an external body requires that a Viva Voce examination is held as a separate assessment forming part of the decision-making process. Pre-assessment activities (including guidance for students and markers about the assessment activity; scrutiny of the assessment activity by internal or external examiners; calibration of standards among markers), The assessment itself (including measures to assure the fairness of assessment conditions, such as invigilation, appropriate adjustments for students with support plans, and external review of exam papers), Marking (including use of clear standards, anonymity of marking, and double marking where appropriate), Internal Moderation (checking that standards have been applied consistently during marking), Marks adjustment (adjustment of marks in light of a flaw in the assessment to maintain standards across cohorts), What proportion of work is sampled during moderation for each type of assessment (subject to the above minimum), Whether the sample must include work of certain kinds (e.g. This page contains the degree classifications for all undergraduate students who entered their Qualifying year or Part I* from September 2020. The three methods for classifying undergraduate degrees detailed below are approved for use in the University of Nottingham. In considering the fraction of credits at the higher level, all modules are to be counted even those that have been excluded from the calculation of the final average under 26(b). For more information about the Exceptional Regulations as a whole, please consult the following: Exceptional Regulations: Covid-19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21. Extended Classification Borderline 2020-21 As part of UCL's 'no detriment' package for the 2020-21 academic year, the Classification Borderline was widened by 1.00% for students enrolled as finalists in 2020-21. 11 240 0 14. Leo Stan Ekeh (Nigeria) This page contains the degree classifications for all undergraduate students who entered their Qualifying year or Part I from September 2015 and before September 2020. For more information, please consult the following: Appointment and responsibilities of External Examiners. The permitted weightings are defined on the following page: 26. Students entering Qualifying year or Part I before September 2015 are subject to the former regulations. For students registering on programmes from 2009/10 onwards, Schools should use only a weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. 3. Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations,,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park Module scores are added together and translated into a degree classification according to Table 5 . 5 with a min. Dependent on the programme, the grade to contribute to the degree award may also be provided by the Independent Assessor/s, and thus may not be a member of University staff. Additional Placement Year: considering student performance on an additional year (e.g. 2. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs, * In consideration that not all students who entered Part I in September 2020 may be aware of the changes to borderline criteria which would be applied from summer 2022, the borderline criteria taking effect from September 2020 will apply only to students who entered Qualifying year from September 2020 onwards. SET/SEM Surveys. Students in category (iii) above who fail to meet the specified requirement may be unable to progress but subject to satisfying Regulation 9 above will be awarded the Foundation Certificate. A School offering a module has the right to refuse admission to that module. I strongly believe that I can do any job as I have an outstanding personality, which was created by carrying out an array of jobs that were fundamentally different from each other in nature, approach and requirements. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Further information regarding moderation and marks adjustment can be found below. Where this is the case it must be stated in the relevant programme specification. For the purposes of rounding, the mark should be truncated and only the first decimal place is used (e.g. Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. Any . The University of Nottingham Blue Castle. Part I. Where there is a nil return a single summary form should be used. calculating the degree classification on the basis of the second and third years. Therefore, I could successfully provide an excellent performance to my previous employers. Regulations for students who do not meet Honours requirements from September 2015. Reassessment marks are considered only in decisions relating to progression to the next stage hence reassessments in the final stage of any programme are not relevant or allowed except in the case of reassessment for a Pass or Ordinary degreeor where a student has failed a non-compensatable module,or a compulsory module for an apprenticeship programme,and is required to take a reassessment in order to gain the credits and complete the stage. It also constitutes the summative assessment for the apprenticeship award. This page contains the degree classifications for all undergraduate and postgraduate taught students who entered their Qualifying year or Part I before September 2015. A student who, at the first attempt, has not satisfactorily completed a stage other than the final stage under Regulations 9-11 (of the Completion of a stage section above) has a right to one re-assessment in each failed module where this might enable a student to satisfy progression requirements. Graduate transcripts confirm your final degree classification, along with a list of the modules you studied and the marks obtained. Module marks are weighted accordingly to the number of credits attached to the module - for example, a 20 credit module is weighted double compared to a 10 credit module. 1215 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW knowledge as the world around them changes, and they find themselves in new situations. In respect of any assessment carried out by postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities, Heads of School should ensure that: 1. Please send your communications 3. Its content is only applicable to students who were admitted before that date but may also be of interest to staff across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact:,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park If you studied at the University prior to 2000, we may not have a comprehensive set of your marks available for your study period. The information on this page has been archived. All reassessments will take place in August/September immediately following the first assessment (but seeRegulations 16 and 20 below), except: 16. At the Pass/Fail boundary there is no borderline. These records should be available to External Examiners as soon as possible and be tabled at relevant Examination Boards. 7. Module marks are translated to points scores according to Table 4. Schools are expected to submit an annual report even if there is a nil return. How common is it for people to not get on with flatmates? The module level information report must detail the rationale for marks adjustment; the method used; the method used to inform students; and any remedial measures implemented as a result of marks adjustment. all students who answered a given question). 0 with no score below 5. Owing to the requirements of the Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA), the option to award an Undergraduate Diploma or Undergraduate Certificate to students who do not proceed at University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) is not available. Displays a secure knowledge of the subject and coverage of the main points. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. For more information about the former regulations, please consult the following section: In addition to the study regulations which are stated on this page, students will be subject to the supplementary regulations for their individual courses, which can be found at: In addition, some programmes will be subject to Fitness to Practise regulations, details of which are included in relevant course handbooks. I finished my Master's degree in February and my average result is 58%. 12. Students in a borderline, who entered Qualifying year prior to September 2020, will be considered under the regulations applicable pre-September 2020. All markers in a School should be clearly briefed on these processes each academic year. For apprenticeship programmes, to meet requirements outlined by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE), the criteria outlined in the specific End-Point Assessment plan for each apprenticeship standard should be followed. 180+ credits at 70%+. (3) 1A prerequisite for enrollment in this Master's program is a Bachelor's degree in the sub-ject of Business/ Economics or an equivalent degree graded "good" (usually with a grade of 2.5 or better). Scores within 12 points of a First, II-1, II-2 and III Class threshold are defined as borderline. For students entering Taught Postgraduate programmes from 2021/22 onwards, Schools should use only the standardised weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. Lifetime achievements. Oct 2019 - Present3 years 6 months. The relative weightings of Part I/II/III marks are given in programme specifications. In such a case the School must publish a written policy that must be included in the student handbook or otherwise drawn to the attention of students. ii) Are in the final stage/year for which a further attempt at the assessment has not been possible by the time of the Examination Boards meeting. Module marks are weighted accordingly to the number of credits attached to the module - for example, a 20 credit module is weighted double compared to a 10 credit module. TheUniversity of Nottingham policy on the appointment and responsibilities of External Examinerscan be foundonline. When the overall weighted average mark has been computed, it should be rounded into a single overall integer mark, before a classification is assigned. 68 or 69 Borderline Distinction (individual Programme Specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69), 68 or 69 Borderline Distinction (individual programme specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69), 49 Borderline Pass (Master, also PGDip and PGCert from 2012/13), 39 Borderline Pass (PGDip and PGCert for students who registered for taught postgraduate degrees prior to the 2012/13 Session only). This decision should be based on the nature of the assessment, its weighting (i.e. It is recognised that there is a need for School Boards to conduct the assessment of students in a manner that is appropriate to individual disciplines and to the methods of assessment employed. These are appointed internally or externally and they will provide the grade for the overall outcome for the apprenticeship award. A student who fails one or more modules will still complete that stage (subject to Regulation 11 below), and so be awarded the total credit for that stage provided that they have: (a) Passed modules worth at least 80 credits and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 40% with no module marks of less than 30%, (b) Passed modules worth at least 100 credits and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 50%. Includes: Registry and Academic Affairs; flow chart ofprogression, compensation and reassessment;Regulations for students who do not meet Honours requirements. These records are campus specific and should be read in conjunction with all other content on this page. For programmes involving optional study abroad in the third year, the degree classification is based solely on performance in the final year of study. Active research applying machine learning methods to outstanding problems in Cosmology, Astrophysics and Space Science. Where no potential flaws have been identified please complete the summary report form: Where potential flaws have been identified by markers, reported by students or may come to light because of comparison of marks profiles (e.g. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Degree Classification. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 5 IELTS (with no more than 2 individual skills scores at 4. All students must have passed at least 270 credits to be eligible for a degree. For students registered for a 4-year degree these 270 credits passed must not include the 120 credit Year Abroad Assessment module. I have been accused I have plagiarised my essay at Uni, but I didnt . Programme Specifications state what is used for each course. information concerning the University's policies on borderline degree classifications. Quality assurance of assessment consists of several elements. For examples of marking criteria, please consult the following: In pursuit of assessment practices that are fair, valid and reliable the University recognises double-marking (preferably "blind" where the first mark is not made known to the second marker) as good practice for all assessments where appropriate. For more information, please consult the following: 1. The classifications are: Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: When calculating an overall average, in the case of Ordinary Degrees, classification is based on the best marks obtained from 100 credits at Part I and the best marks obtained from 100 credits at Part II. Student engagement. The Degree Outcomes Statement describes our ongoing commitment to maintaining academic standards and how we meet the requirements for standards set out within the Office for Students' ongoing conditions of registration (B4 and B5) that relate to protecting the value of qualifications. 5 300 60 1. 12 240 0 1. Unit mark is the mark awarded for an individual piece of assessed work, which goes towards the computation of a module mark using a weighting formula. The rules we use to come to your overall classification are called the Honours degree classification convention. Other students are subject to former regulations except for Regulation 26(b) which applies to all students from September 2020. If there is a 50:50 split between Parts I and II then the calculation is a straightforward median of 24 grades. This section contains the University's undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree classifications. Where there has been a clear flaw in the assessment process (e.g. 40%+ (which can include reassessment marks from Parts I/II/III). (University of Nottingham, 2002) . The module specification states how the components of the module will be combined to form a module mark and whether a particular mark must be gained in individual components of the module in order for the module as a whole to be passed. As you may be aware, the University has 20 working days in which to respond to your request. Number of candidates in each class. 4 300 60 1. Schools can obtain guidance on these regulations by emailing: Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Flow chartof progression, compensation and reassessment for undergraduate honours courses, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNM, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNM. Any outcomes from their application during academic year 2019/20 will, however, continue to be honoured and used in all decisions regarding those affected. A School should (if possible) agree to such a request, but there may be circumstances where this is not possible (e.g. 5. External review is carried out by an 'external examiner', who . Two thirds or more of the final credits are in the higher class. Policy on University of Nottingham students who teach In respect of any assessment carried out by postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities, Heads of School should ensure that: They are supervised by a named member of academic staff They are provided with training appropriate to their role in the assessment process Includes: role ofexternal examiners; sample size; moderation assessment report form. If this falls within a borderline as defined above, the weighted profiling system as stated in the programme specification will be applied to determine the final classification (see footnote 3 below). Where a student has pass marks in one or more components of the module, but has failed the module overall, the School delivering the module may limit the re-assessment to the components which have been failed. The marking of assessment is subject to internal and external review. Ordinary Degrees and Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates and Diplomas are classified using a weighted numerical average as defined under Model 1 above. At the Pass/Fail boundary there is no borderline. There is a nil return pre-September 2020 year Abroad assessment module classification of. Based on the basis of the assessment process ( e.g internally or externally and they find themselves in new.! For all undergraduate students who began their awards from September 2020 to External Examiners median of 24.! Students entering Qualifying year or Part I before September 2015 are subject to internal and External is... Knowledge as the world around them changes, and they will provide the grade for the purposes of,. I have been subject to adjustment consult the following: 1 from marks! 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