how to navigate polyamory as a non primary partner

One of the most common questions we receive in our workshops is: If you ARE polyamorous, your partner wont necessarily have to leave you, in the same way they would if you were monogamous. Consider seeing a relationship counselor or couples therapist who specializes in polyamory and ethical nonmonogamy. Imposed hierarchies can be toxic and even abusive in some situations if not handled carefully, warns polyamory educator Leanne Yau. ", People in ethically non-monogamous relationships must become comfortable with talking openly about their feelings, needs, and desires, as well as being attentive to other people's. (That approach makes for horrible reality TV, and it works even worse in real relationships.). Compersion Considered the From the "ranking" usage: Descriptive: "I have begun spending more time with Alice than with Jane, so Alice is becoming my primary partner." Choose a type of polyamory that works for you and your relationships. back to table of contents The name comes from the idea that you all could be friendly and social at a larger garden party. And they might help all your relationships begin well, feel better, last longer and end amicably. In fact, there have been many arguments put forward suggesting that humans evolved in small forager group societies where everything was shared: The resources, the work-load the child-care and yes, even the sexual partners. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Polyamory, aka consensual non-monogamy (CNM), is controversial. All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It also takes away all the assumptions about what you can and cant do with certain connections. For example, three people may be dating each other exclusively as a triad but not open to any other additional connections. But many of us do not have a proper frame of reference, or any socially acceptable media content, elders, or role models, to learn from about how to responsibly pursue alternatives to monogamy. Also just sad that articles like this need to exist. Learn the difference between kitchen table polyamory, parallel polyamory, solo poly, and more. Many poly/open primary couples say that they avoid getting significantly involved (or involved at all) with solo or single people, even those who identify as poly/open and have lots of poly/open relationship experience. But thats just how social conditioning works, despite good intentions or deep feelings. These couples assume that, no matter what solo people claim, in their hearts they must really desire equality with the existing primary partner or at least more commitment, time, or status than the couple is willing to offer. One person noted: Know before getting involved with any new lovers exactly which boundaries you have with your primary that are non-negotiable and which are more flexible. Non-primary partners deserve to know the main potential risks as well as rewards of getting involved with you. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (For more on this, see SHGs guest post.). Sexy Consciously Awake Women: Who We Are, What We Want & Need From Men, The 19 Most Exciting Sex Positions I Have Ever Seen: How Mayans Had Sacred Sex in a Hammock. It also helps everyone involve understand the realities of their network and the people in it. Over 1500 people told me bat their unconventional relationships. (the divorce rate in the US is past 50%; statistics on relational infidelity are as high as 70%), Does loving one song preclude you from loving another song just as much? In society at large, multiple simultaneous relationships occur most commonly through cheating a model which inherently sets up everyone involved to be treated badly. Still, the vast majority of non-primary partners who contributed to this post indicated that they do indeed want (or even require) to be included in decisions that affect the conduct or continued existence of their relationship. Ethical Non-Monogamy 101: Basics & Rules For Practicing ENM Instead of coming home and saying Hi honey, I just hooked up with so and so, I hope thats ok, start out by asking permission first: Hi babe, I am attracted to so and so, how do you feel about me pursuing this? Opening a dialogue is key. The ethical distinguishes it from infidelity or coerced relationships. Partners can decide if they want their relationship to be committed, casual, long term, short term, romantic, sexual, or any combination of these things. Did I Miss Out On Something? Now, some folks have no desire to get to know their metamour. I get to see how my story may influence my experience and I get to choosehow to show up differently. People think that you can only love one person, which makes no sense to me - it's not only illogical, but it completely goes against the core of my being. Be honest with themand with yourself. ", (We'll never sell or share your information, either. Of course, if you know up front that you (and your current partners, if any) probably are unwilling or unable to deal with unpleasant surprises or navigate bumps thats something new partners need to know up front, before anyone gets too invested in that relationship. ", She says it's common for people to experience all sorts of positive and negative emotions in an ethically non-monogamous relationship, including "jealousy, insecurity, fear, worry, doubt, excitement, increased libido, deepened connection with 'original' partner, autonomy, freedom, conscious boundaries, conscious communication, abundant gratitude, and compersion! Since monogamous life partnership (or at least, serial monogamy) is the default societal goal (practically obligatory! This is a good thing! Also, if youve agreed to include non-primaries in direct negotiation, dont withdraw that right during a conflict because your primary partner feels insecure. % of people told us that this article helped them. Do you have a great time together? (Got your own tips? If part of you is going, Yesyesyesyes this is meeeeeeee! then yay for you! Such thinking usually is an artifact of monogamous competitive presumptions which are rooted in scarcity models and automatic overvaluing of primary couplehood. If anyone ever tells you, "Real poly people don't feel jealousy!" Usually, polyamorous relationships are full of compersion the joy of knowing that someone else makes a partner happy. One person said: Be realistic about how much time and emotional energy you have to offer. Think about your family, your friends, your pets, or say, your favorite authors or musicians. (If you have the courage for that, kudos to you!) "In order for the throuple to be sustained long-term, the relationships between each pair within the throuple also have to be cultivated and nurtured.". Or does the, Jealousy in an Open Relationship He Slept with Someone, 7 Powerful Affirmations To {Uplevel Your Sex Life}, How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People, You Say Flawed, He Says Sexy: What Men Really Think About Your Body. On the contrary, ethical non-monogamy necessitates a lot of care and empathy. (The term "polyamory" comes from the Greek word "poly," which means many, and the Latin word "amory," which means love.) Not everyone's relationships will always fit easily into one of these structures, and it's often the case that what someone thinks they want looks a bit different from what turns out to work best for them and for their other partners. Imagine a world, where every relationship you have, whether it be sexual, non-sexual, short-long term, whatever. This is why, very often, non-primary partners get summarily axed or shafted when a pre-existing primary partner gets insecure, or when a non-primary partner decides they want a primary relationship (with you or someone else). Of course, if all parties involved have explicitly agreed to indirect communication, and if youre willing to play the go-between in that case, thats fine. This is rarely pleasant news to give or receive. While condoms, hormonal birth control, and certain medications are highly effective at preventing STI transmission and unwanted pregnancy, accidents can still happen. You should not expect or require them to become friends or lovers. (By the way, heres why I say non-primary, not secondary.). Polyamory is a practice or desire for more than one romantic or sexual partner, with the full knowledge and agreement of all the partners involved. A lot of people assume that its just three people in one relationship, but its more than that," Yau says. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in-person medical professional. There are plenty of stops along the way from "no other partners" to "anything goes.". Well, a lot of things, starting with the fact that everyone involved is exercising informed consent. Well, if and when you don't want to, maybe you don't. This is a form of ethical non-monogamy, but it's not an open relationship. WebPrescriptive: "Alice is my primary partner, therefore I should place my relationship with her ahead of that with Jane." Offer reassurance and understanding. Polycules are groups of partners who are romantically or sexually involved with some, or all, members of the group. Everyone goes into relationships expecting that they are worth the effort. Its unfair, demeaning, and even cruel to surprise partners by revealing only during a bump or crisis that you wont actually put forth effort to help a relationship succeed or survive, after all. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Pixi (poly, F) my partner since January, 2009 Malachi (mono, M), Pixi's bf since April, 2013, co-primary. So avoid rewarding partners for making you feel good, or punishing them for having issues or needs of their own, by increasing or reducing the amount of time you spend together. Also, dont ask, involve, or manipulate any partner into helping you violate agreements you have with other partners. Since our relationships are at an inherent social disadvantage, non-primary partners can be keenly sensitive to indications that we might not be valued or given fair consideration. You And hey, if you are poly and you know it? As your relationships survive bumps (or crash on them), be sure to revisit and update your needs and boundaries and communicate these revisions clearly to your current and prospective partners. Breaking up does not have to mean cutting off all contact with someone. These aren't the only reasons polyamory might appeal to someone; you might feel or encounter others. Communication Is Everything. The problem, in a nutshell: Theres an overwhelming social narrative which says that anything other than monogamous life partnership is wrong or invalid which in turn casts the perspective of non-primary partners as less important. Reality check: Since you care for both/all of your partners, and they for you, then they probably have more in common than just you! The first key to negotiating these bumps is to accept that they absolutely WILL happen. As a bisexual non-monogamous woman, and as a psychologist who specializes in relationships and sexuality, I have personally and professionally witnessed so many people who have sought out that safe place but who have been fearful to express their authentic sexuality to their partner(s). A Vee relationship has one person who is involved with two partners, but those partners do not date each other. At the very least, acknowledge and attempt to address them, even if you cannot address them fully. Follow the links in the following list for more details. One person noted, Some people think non-primary relationships shouldnt involve work. Being polyamorous can complicate breakups, especially if other partners are involved. Being monogamous doesn't mean you're more jealous, repressed, or closed-minded, just like being polyamorous doesn't mean you're generous, enlightened or liberated. Poly/open people find connection first and allow that connection to develop without necessarily attaching sex to the outcome (althoughsex certainly can happen and does for many). In many cases, polyamorous people remain friends after breakupsbut this is a matter of choice. When youre not just seeking casual sex, but youre also not seeking someone to live, share finances, and potentially raise a family with (a primary partner), it can be very hard to figure out how to honor your own needs and boundaries while respecting others. Honesty and transparency are the bedrock of ethical non-monogamy, says Taylor. Sometimes you think youre going to freak out about something but actually its okay and sometimes you think it wont be a big deal but when its real you find yourself flipping out.. We have enjoyed polyamory for years. Dont assume that we want (or should want) to be treated equally to your primary partner and dont try to nudge us in that direction. We need better models for how to conduct non-primary relationships especially in the poly/open community. When new relationship energy is running strong, possibilities seem boundless but life rarely is. Active listening and empathy are necessary, Taylor says. Over time, people in ethically non-monogamous relationships may experience jealousy less often or less intensely, or they may simply have better ways of coping with it when it crops up. MUST READ:Jealousy in an Open Relationship He Slept with Someone. The key seems to be: Ask your non-primary partner how they prefer to be involved in decisionmaking about that relationship. You should always feel safe and comfortable in your relationships, and jumping into polyamory while still not being 100% on board can be bad for everyone. If you're interested in trying ethical non-monogamy for the first time, here's how to know if an open relationship is right for you and how to ask for an open relationship. Also, every person brings something new to the mix, which means there will always be unexpected issues unique to any relationship even if you have lots of experience with non-primary or other nonstandard relationships. This type of relationship has lots of external markers. Avoid being controlling, but dont be afraid to advocate for your needs. That having been said, if you find that you're feeling upset and jealous any time someone you're dating is spending time with or paying attention to another partner, and communicating with them about it isn't helping any, that may be a sign that open relationships aren't the best fit for you right now, or that there are other issues to be resolved in your relationships before polyamory feels like a good fit. For me, practicing compersion has been a discipline, and initially I have found myself needing to re-train my thoughts and hold my tongue. People form and navigate poly relationships in lots of different ways, but healthy poly relationships are generally characterized by respect, communication, and openness. Its important to hang in there and at least sincerely try to keep all the relationships intact, rather than bail on a new relationship as soon as someone gets surprised, upset, or hurt. Hierarchical polyamory This is one of the common types of polyamory in which ranking plays a big role. Polygamy, on the other hand, involves being married to multiple Some people define solo polyamory as the practice of living an independent, single life while having multiple relationships. So a solo polyamorous person may choose to live alone or with a friend instead of with a romantic partner. Many are content with traditional monogamy but as divorce, breakup, and infidelity statistics clearly show, traditional monogamy doesnt guarantee happiness, stability, fulfillment, or longevity. While the word polyamory is relatively new, termed sometime in the 1990s, the concept is a very old one, possibly as old as humans themselves. Keep in mind, too, that just like you don't have to have any sexual experience with people of a certain gender to know you're attracted tothem, you don't have to have multiple relationshipsright this secondto identify as a polyamorous person and have a sense of how you might like to explore that in the future. But if youre more in the Hmm, this is new and I dont know how I feel about it camp, thats okay as well. Its important to be receptive to their feelings and needs too. Earlier this year Cunning Minx wrote eloquently on this theme and also discussed it in Polyamory Weekly podcast episode 333. As I see it, open relationships allow for all participants to make choices in open and transparent wayswith consent of all involved, which for me seems like a pretty sweet guarantee for personal empowerment; we can experience expression, self-care and connection with others. Rather, the people involved in a relationship will make agreements about what the relationship dynamic will look like. If so, youre not alone. Weve put together a list of the most important rules for polyamory. (Just like any other kind of relationship!). As one person observed: I still have a hard time with sometimes feeling like Im getting the primarys leftovers.. Polyamory is an alternative to monogamy where people make a conscious choice to seek out multiple intimate partners in an ethical, responsible fashion. Your partners partners will want to spend time with your partner, just like you will. They are your first priority. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Create a list of rules indicating who you can date, what kinds of sex are permitted, etc. It cannot be stagnant anyway but the fact that your partner is intimate with another will change the dynamic you previously had. Whats important is to get down to what is most true for you, and live from that place. "I typically recommend using frequent and sometimes scheduled check-ins as a way to put aside time to discuss feelings about the relationship, any hang-ups or issues that need adjusting, and how each person is feeling on an authentic and honest level. "Both as a mental health professional and as a person in the polyam community, I think there is a mix of people, some finding it more of a lifestyle choice and some find that, like me, it would be more of a choice not to.". Trust what your non-primary partner says about their relationship goals. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Some people try poly relationships as a way to get more sex, or more variety of sexual partners. For example, veto power, where you give your primary partner the option to force a break up between you and your other partners if they feel they are being disruptive to your connection, dislike them, or literally any other reason. So when practicing hierarchical poly, it's necessary to have a level of individual autonomy when making your own decisions regarding your other partners. It all just depends on the individuals involved and the dynamics between them. But dont presume or impose this approach in the moment, especially without prior agreement. References. This blind spot afflicts all types of intimate relationships, but its especially troublesome for people who have more than one partner at a time. Can they be? I do wish the author had not started off with the lament about bisexual people and fearing expressing ones authentic sexuality, as that may set the readers focus too much in the direction of sex to reach them about love. Whatever you choose, its important to be clear with yourself and with your partners. In my experience, relying on the partner-in-common (hinge) to handle all communication and negotiation between metamours usually is a setup for misunderstanding, frustration and failure. Dont require them to only communicate through you, or with you present. Its unfair and frankly insulting to expect a non-primary partner to do all the accommodating, to know their place, and to always subordinate their own needs (or at least never expect you to meet them). Compersion is the opposite of jealousy: It is the feeling of happiness when your partner finds joy with another partner. They choose to be together because they enjoy one anothers company. What topics interest you? Adina. Demonstrate good judgment by not over-promising early in a relationship, and keep the promises you do make. The problem is: Reflexively casting the basic human need for respect and consideration as a burdensome demand or drama is itself a guaranteed drama-generating strategy and almost always a relationship killer. That said, you can and should support their connection by introducing them (in person, if possible) and perhaps suggesting get-togethers or other opportunities for them to get to know each other as people, not roles. Also, choosing to only have non-primary relationships with people who already are in a primary relationship of their own will not necessarily protect you from someone eventually wanting more than you can give, or trying to usurp your role. A closed throuple is a good example of a polyfidelitous relationship. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. Non-primary partners understand that we wont always come first, but we need to see through your actions and choices that we do matter and that youre willing to sometimes put us first or at least not automatically put us last, or throw us under the bus. Made with love in The Rocky Mountains, USA In general, ENM is not more or less healthy than monogamy. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. And itisimportant to have that conversation! She is a dynamic catalyst for change, ready to take you to the next level in fulfilling your desires in life and in love. Ask yourself: why do you want to be polyamorous? To whom do you want to send this article via email? 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. This could include a group relationship of three or more people that is closed to any additional outside partners, or it could be a person who has more than one partner and their partners are not dating each other, but they are also closed to additional relationship.". You should always consult your own healthcare provider if you have a health problem or medical condition. When we are able to express our innermost desires (despite the fears that may arise) we give ourselves an opportunity to see and be seen, to love and be loved, to experience true intimacy with the world around us and create fulfilling relationships that are in alignment with ourselves and our desires. They get to set rules, too. Dont reach out to a new partner in a way you cant follow through on.. Fully disclose your constraints, agreements and boundaries. Please subscribe to updatesabout this project. Make sure youre in agreement before pursuing or maintaining a relationship. | Tags: best practices, dating, equality, ethics, fairness, marriage, monogamy, nonmonogamy, open relationships, polyamory, rights, social norms, society. As demonstrated by experience in the current struggle for marriage equality, as well as ongoing experience in the civil, womens, immigrant, economic justice, and LGBTQ rights movements, uneven playing fields start to level out when people who have power and privilege openly ally themselves with those who lack it. Whats important is to get to see how my story may influence my experience and I get to to. Of polyamory that works for you, `` real poly people do n't TV, and live that! Rewards of getting involved with two partners, but its more than,! N'T feel jealousy! all tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published things, starting with fact... 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