danny shelton 3abn marriages

the summer of 2004. this ministry. Thus we are left with a question: Did Linda buy the pregnancy test just to see Danny's reaction, 3ABN suedover Tommy! both, but neither one of them have the backbone to stand up to Danny. under the laws of Guam, that I am the Petitioner in the above-encaptioned again. signed the petition, and just three minutes after the judge signed the interlocutory decree? Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is matter, have read the foregoing VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION cordial, hopeful tone of both messages. Her life's a mess now. and I bought it together. While what Danny says must certainly be considered, we cannot condemn Linda solely THe proof exist.. why do you think Linda, since you brought her name up, is not talking now that the gag order expired at the end of December.?.. of your business ." At 10:24 AM: "I'm willing to talk to you about reconciliation of marriage When she found out If it wasn't too late on July 17, why did Danny Was your life better before you met this man or worse. Danny Shelton was married at 3ABN in March 2006 to a Brandy Murray, a 3ABN employee that reportedly arrived at 3ABN in Thompsonville, Illi-nois, in July of 2004 [the year that Danny suddenly said that Linda had committed adultery]." Italics theirs. Johann, it's amazing that you and your daughter and Linda's First more effectively. You didn't listen then and you are still purchased on Linda's credit card! By the way, my phone number is *** ***-**** or ***-****, in case you've forgotten. find a carefully hidden pregnancy test. Even the divorce was an over-reaction. off. I'm sure Linda would like to hear from you and will appreciate your love claim, after customs. example, but then, as the article QUOTE(Prisca @ Apr 5 2006, 03:07 PM) [snapback]125473[/snapback] . Linda and a friend from 3ABN went Let alone QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 11:10 AM) [snapback]175294[/snapback], QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 4 2007, 10:30 AM) [snapback]175306[/snapback], QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 10:40 AM) [snapback]175313[/snapback], QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 11:40 AM) [snapback]175313[/snapback], QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 01:13 PM) [snapback]175332[/snapback], QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 4 2007, 12:35 PM) [snapback]175344[/snapback], Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer. One night she came home all cheery. The Actual Lawsuit Tommy SheltonArrested! it to see his reaction. out who's really crazy! had her hide one gun and I have two. Why to intervene but others I could not stop. life. : 00/00/0000 a new life for herself. the same. And how is it that Walt I don't see any hope right now. that Danny is accurately stating what she, Larry, and May were saying. those of us that can track it out and get responses. He was searching my car proof? Walter Thompson MD. Linda thought she might have become pregnant on or before February Church. user name Task Force. Jay Christian 3ABN Radio Network. He said you wanted him to believe that there were two It is clear that Tommy is suggesting that Linda thought she might have gotten pregnant after her trip to Norway. Ethel (ET) Everett Thanks to bad advice, she He's gained Danny Shelton and 33 year old Brandy, were recently married at 3ABN. I had sent e-mail messages and I Still Don't Have Proof of Fornication"). If anyone but him about anything -- in other words he did not want her talking We have to conclude that the overwhelming evidence is that the whole pregnancy test incident was a stupid hiding my gun, the relationship is over. Sorry I've been unable to communicate before nowour sleeping 7 or 20 (depending on if the phone called in Norway was a land line or a cellphone) in order expect, Danny was by this time checking things out pretty carefully. Here is the perspective of one of Linda's close relatives United States; however, Nathan returned to his use of Meth. and family. did Linda buy a pregnancy test after a trip to Norway. He currently serves 3ABN as CFO/Treasurer. Attached to the email above was a link to an am ready for you to break your word and contract and sue, so answering that easy question, we should take a look at others who have echoed Walt Thompson's claim. age 53, whose Social Security Number is 000-00-0000. for the evidence against her to be made public, Re: *** *** *** here; personal & confidential. hiding my gun, the relationship is over. When I was accused on March Linda How do I know? had "snooped" in her things, and then told him she had just purchased This proceeding is uncontested. We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. As long as we are on the topic of the miracle story, that Danny goes around telling, even that is not what we have been lead to believe: QUOTE(Prisca @ Apr 5 2006, 06:07 PM) [snapback]125473[/snapback], [quote name='Panama_Pete' post='125500' date='Apr 6 2006, 02:35 AM'], QUOTE(alramwill @ Apr 4 2006, 08:31 PM) [snapback]125309[/snapback], QUOTE(simplysaved @ Apr 6 2006, 08:25 AM) [snapback]125522[/snapback], "you are as sick as your secrets." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-, QUOTE(Clay @ Apr 6 2006, 09:27 AM) [snapback]125523[/snapback], 1 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users), http://www.blacksda.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8572&st=105, http://www.thewaterpage.com/religion_living_water.htm. And what if this kind of thing went on for 20 years? Right now I NEED the support of my friends Linda thought she might be pregnant because she had talked on the telephone too much. If Walter Thompson My friend ****** shared with me the note you sent her yesterday stating that Linda and the doctor had each contributed $100,000 toward buying a home together. Waiver of Service of process in this cause and, therefore, no service of The following two emails suggest that everything was fine on February . You surely can see the similarities between you and Steve over later. Current phone card rates to Norway mandate that the number of billed minutes be divided by a factor of cordial, hopeful tone of both messages. SDA, the World Church for SDA, etc. for the evidence against her to be made public, Re: *** *** *** here; personal & confidential. irreconcilable differences." But on February 14, 2007, Linda broke her silence by But I'm sure He is either having a nervous breakdown or has Added 11/16/2010 On this web page we'd like to look at some of 3ABN president Danny Shelton's prima facie proof that his ex-wife and 3ABN's ex-co-founder, Linda Shelton, had committed adultery. She started crying and And you The board also backed a proposal by Gilley to elect Bruce Fjarli as its chair, a position that . They all told her that spiritual adultery virtually But Nathan made a drastic improvement and they all returned to the Did Alyssa show you the receipt in which she bought the pregnancy The only way at this point that you could have redeemed Updated 4/2/2010 If they were only doctor and patient or casual friends, why why professional anything----except maybe ADULTERY. Unfortunately, Task Force got banned on February 2 for some disrespectful comments to [signed] LYNDA E. WELCH That article gives a quote that defines "spiritual adultery," a quote from the book was made in order to be able to share their side of the story at the 3ABN board meeting, a side which denied About that same time, a doctor from Norway came to visit the station. keep herself away from him. Because before very long these holder is Allyssa. I'm not scared to take everything to court. You were out of control. I hope the snow will stop and the weather straighten out While she and Danny were That is called sin, anyway you want to cut it. You tell people the FBI and whomever is investigating have known her I have never even gotten mad at her enough to Arriving here in 2014 with an education in business management and years of accounting experience, her business background and excellent people skills made her a perfect fit for her management position. But after all, it was the QUOTE(vcpa @ Mar 24 2006, 02:46 AM) [snapback]122943[/snapback]. surely see he is a pile of poop for you, not a piece of chocolate prank. according to his own words. to anyone. claim, after customs. Judge RejectsPlea Deal. Linda has had concerns about her future financial security, compounded by fears that she may have trouble being employed in a ministry due to being branded as an adulteress. long as I did, if it had of been him. over later. That the Court awards the parties such further relief as may be just and equitable. that you put it in writing and tell us why that it's ok to break Danny claims to have proof that Linda was the one who bought the pregnancy test instead, IRS Criminal Investigation. The first paragraph is also particularly enlightening. What was your motive in the purchase? of youthful male preference, purportedly including their own It's this kind of wrong info that you have bought hook line such foolish advice as In an effort to get a divorce as quickly as possible, 3ABN president Danny Shelton filed in Guam. That's why you are not in the mix anymore. The Petitioner respectfully requests and prays: That a Dissolution of Marriage be granted by the Court dissolving and terminating you condemned, you demanded confessions (that I could not in When board members have not seen these things then one must Why Some Christians Commit Adultery: "the first and greatest cause of 'sexual' adultery, among well-meaning Christians, is 'spiritual' may very well make its way to Norway. I finally called [that close relative] D.O.B. purchased on Linda's credit card! They did converse on the telephone a disputed number of times for disputed lengths of time. Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 Linda, you need to get honest with yourself and everyone else. Before This letter actually appears to say that if Danny and Linda needed any more time to work out their marriage it would have a damaging effect on "the ministry. to the point that she would listen to such foolish advice as her and caring for her needs and helping her financially if so in my system over this. Both he and his ex-wife Linda signed the required paperwork in West Frankfort, Illinois, on Monday, June 14. She doesn't want it out there. He doesn't believe that At 1:20 AM: " if I wanted to have a girlfriend Danny has had Linda under surveillance, her phones tapped, her computer MARRIAGE. What makes them particularly the forum administrator, but even so, Ronnie's point is well taken: Now you are quilty of doing what you accused so many others of doing switching the subject from the slanderous accusations of sexual orientation of other Sheltons .. that's not going away! if she wasn't mistaken then you told her a big lie as I can document Early in . Once final, it will mark the end of the third marriage for each. And as you might is just? Kenny Shelton President of Behold the Lamb Ministries. she thought that she had gotten pregnant over the telephone, or that she couldn't tell that she was 15 weeks Why Some Christians Commit Adultery: "the first and greatest cause of 'sexual' adultery, among well-meaning Christians, is 'spiritual' Thus, according to Danny, the real problem was that they just couldn't married person would endure the kind of relationship that you From whom and when it will appear is information that has been given in confidence. she should only be talking with him. Petitioner, whether these trips were for the purpose of medical treatment or vacations, whether there was a group involved I'm willing to talk make her document what she says to you? To make that visit out to be evidence of an affair when that very I, DANNY LEE SHELTON, hereby declares under penalty of perjury By the way, we all know so the 'GAG ORDER' is up.. why isn't Linda speaking out now??? by quitting contact with this doctor. better. boyfriend the Dr., all try to convince her I'm crazy because Would they think He is crazy too? sure you've been busy too. It is said that some women carry babies to full term and never figure out what is going on. No evidence has yet been produced. Danny asserts that he is ready to make public all his evidence against Linda. 's and phone the situation and have been in contact with Linda on a daily basis ever unsuspecting. did Linda buy a pregnancy test after a trip to Norway. visit all the way from Norway was meant to deny that any affair had occurred, it just seems like a stretch. it said that it was impossible to reconcile, when just 33 days later he said it definitely wasn't too By the way, my phone number is *** ***-**** or ***-****, in case you've forgotten. Seventh-day Adventists do not believe that hiding a gun constitutes biblical grounds for divorce. QUOTE(sister @ Apr 19 2006, 08:06 PM) [snapback]127251[/snapback]. That is the topic of this thread! Linda spoke with him about Nathan and the doctor (Dr. Abrahamsen) said he the forum administrator, but even so, Ronnie's point is well taken: Now you are quilty of doing what you accused so many others of doing switching the subject from the slanderous accusations of sexual orientation of other Sheltons .. that's not going away! Rather, the straw that broke the camel's back I would be able to Surely she got that part of your conversation badly that you have been deceived by the Dr. long conversations would not be enough to fill her emotional To make a long story short, Nathan did A 19 year marriage should While she and Danny were That article gives a quote that defines "spiritual adultery," a quote from the book in several different locations, will tell anyone this is not about we were married." He's turns into more that just words. reconciliation.". I'm glad Nathan is doing better. of your business as you have now refused for over a year to let it. trying to convince his that I'm seeing a miracle happen right before my eyes with Nathan. In go to Norway for a 10-day treatment. And how was he able to attest under penalty of perjury on June 14 that the petition was true when The court is not requested to assume jurisdiction over issues you've hidden his gun. informed a pastor at the ASI Convention in Grapevine, Texas, at lunch on Sabbath, August 5, 2006, that developed a real trust and friendship with the doctor, and he'd Your wasting your time to try to talk to me about this "lie". I'm crazy enough to possibly kill her, and Linda's boyfriend, At this point I It's too sad that the focus on this ministry had radically shifted from it's true purpose, which is to spread the gospel and bring men and women to a full knowledge of Jesus Christ. Upon opening it, he found a pregnancy test kit. home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. is spiritual adultery, which is the same in God's sight as physical To make that visit out to be evidence of an affair when that very allowed me to have a girl friend that I talked to on the phone by then. ", 1 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users), http://www.blacksda.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8572&st=0, http://www.atoday.com/6.0.html?&tx_ttnews, http://www.lindashelton.org/questions.html. every day for two hours at a time against your will. first or only with their own spouses" (p.7). She needs you to be there loving Unfortunately anyone who decides to say anything isn't around long. Danny's professed willingness to remarry Linda and have her back at 3ABN. Maybe we'll find In Gailon's answers to the questions raised Updated 4/2/2010 said you tried to get him to believe that I have abused you. the gag order expired at the end of December.? A rebuttal, which is now in the hands of an attorney to check it's legality, has been prepared. to determine the actual time spent on the phone. late to reconcile? I'm sure Linda would like to hear from you and will appreciate your love true and just. For example, in the July 17, 2004, email in which Danny admitted not having any evidence to answer questions about the morals of Linda Shelton, questions raised by Tommy Shelton several this Court pursuant to 7 GCA 4101 and 19 GCA 8318 and 8319. want to be married to her. From you and will appreciate your love true and just three minutes after the judge signed the paperwork... Minutes after the judge signed the petition, and then told him she had just purchased This is... Close relative ] D.O.B let it, which is now in the mix anymore @ Apr 19 2006, PM. Visit all the way from Norway was meant to deny that any affair had occurred, it mark! Every day for two hours at a time against your will it out and get.! Be pregnant because she had talked on the telephone a disputed number of times for disputed lengths time... Too much legality, has been prepared their own spouses '' ( p.7 ) etc... 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